Sunday, May 29, 2011

Daly Waters Pub/ Bitter Springs - Mataranka/ Fran's cafe at Larrimer

Camooweal Billabong / Sunset / Northern Territory Border

Underground Hospital - Mt Isa - built for use in WW2

Lake Mondarra - Mt Isa

Signpost at Mt Isa Lookout

We've Made it to Darwin !!!I

It's been a while between posts. what with having lots of fun and travelling, there hasn't been a lot of time for blogging.  Mainly as we were out of range of Internet service and lack of power - a lot of the sites we stayed had no power or water.
We arrived in Mt Isa and stayed at the Top Tourist caravan park just as we arrived in Mt Isa, a nice friendly park. A trip to the top of the lookout was were we saw the lovely sunset over the mining area. Next morning we had planned on seeing the School of the Air,but they were away at camp, so next on the agenda was the Underground Hospital, which was very interesting.  We had packed a picnic lunch and travelled out to Lake Mondarra which was very pretty and a huge amount of water there.
Our next stop was Camooweal, just before the NT border where we stopped beside a gorgeous billabong with lots of birds and lovely water lilies -there were about 20 vans parked along the waterside and we enjoyed the peacefulness there.
On our way to Barkly Homestead we stopped at Avons Downs for a morning tea break and just as we were leaving, a big truck pulled in and made a terrible noise - it had blown 2 tyres, so Dick and Rick helped him out,as he had very little in the way of tools, but we ended up spending 4 hours there.
We left Barkly Homestead and arrived at the Three Ways, then travelled south to Tennant Creek where we had been told that the fuel was cheaper, had lunch there, and travelled on to Banka Banka where the vansite there was almost full, even though there was no power or water there anyway.
From there we stayed at the Daly Waters Pub - a huge area behind the Pub - and booked in for the Barra and Beef Dinner with a live show afterwards.We enjoyed a lovely meal and the entertainment was very good - Chiller - an ex rodeo rider, circus performer,etc, etc.and he sang some great songs, told some good jokes and recited some bush poetry - we all enjoyed it.
We stopped at Larrimer at a Devonshire Tea cafe - with a rough and ready lady named Fran, it was a lovely morning tea, but very expensive at $13 a head.   We stayed at Mataranka at the Bitter Springs caravan park on the Roper River.  We had a swim in  the thermal running waters which was about 30 degrees.
Next day we stopped at  Katherine for morning tea and did some grocery shopping before heading out to Edith Falls, which was also a caravan park with no power or water.  Dick had purchased a crayfish net in Mt Isa and put the net into the Edith River that night and on our way out of the area he picked it up and he had caught 2 small prawn looking things - he was highly excited, now wants to buy some more and trap some more unsuspecting creatures.
We stopped at the Adelaide River for lunch, and continued on to Darwin where we booked in at the Malak Caravan park - next morning we were asked to move as the site was booked - it was great to chat to Ange and Ellen on Skype, ringing for Rick's birthday - they were visiting Summar and Dave in Irleland for the Bank holiday weekend - they also had some exciting news that they had been asked to be Godparents to their newborn son. We also spoke to Mike and Debbie on Skype.
Today we have been resting (if you can call washing all morning - by hand- relaxing) and catching up on a few chores and deciding what to see now that we have arrived in Darwin

Burren Junction - sunset and new camp oven trial

Sunday, May 15, 2011


We left Charleville and stopped in Blackall for a lunch break. It was a a lovely park right beside the water and there were several other caravans stopped there as well.  We filled up with LPG, as we didn't know whether we could get any in the next town- the lpg is getting more expensive, but then it is a cheaper alternative to petrol, so we should be able to benefit from the installation of the LPG tanks very soon.
We arrived in a tiny town - Isisford - and found a nice spot down by the weir with some level spots for the caravans.  That night we had a roaring fire and sat beside it to eat our dinner, then later on to toast marshmallows by the hot coals.  Next morning we cooked jaffles by the fire for breakfast before packing up and heading for Longreach.
On the way we stopped for lunch at Ilfracombe, another small town, which displayed all along the main road the museum of old trucks, tractors and other farming equipment. We arriv ed in Longreach early afternoon and booked into the Discovery Parks caravan park- a huge park with lots of amenities etc. The evening turned rather cool, so we dined inside the van that night.
Next morning we drove into town and as the Longreach Show was on, decided to go and have a look.  We had a great time there, there were dare-devil motor bike riding  ( one guy fell off from the top of the ramp and the ambulance was called) we saw the cakes and other cooking, quilts and other crafts, baby animals, spent some time watching the horse trials, egg throwing competition, wool judging etc -all the fun of the fair !  Even enjoyed a Dagwood dog and an ice cream whilst watching the Grand Parade.
That night we enjoyed dinner at the Woolshed -a building within the caravan park grounds - and afterwards some country type singing.
Next day we drove to the Stockmans Hall of Fame and enjoyed a film there, then an exhibition of horseriding/dog training/sheep mustering/bullock draying/ and bush poetry before looking through the museum and then having lunch at the Cattlemans Inn nearby.  After that we drove out of town to look at the Thompson River and surrounds before going back to the caravan where there were several Brolgas striding around the vans

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today we arrived in Charleviile QLD, after a free camp site at Wyndara , where we stayed behind the Post Office.  We stopped there at the cafe for a Devonshire Tea, and saw that the amenities looked quite new, and the owner offered to show us a movie in his outdooe theatre later that afternoon.   We set up and then walked to the local pub for a beer and a chat to the barmaid who had had the hotel for 35 years. After the beer we walked back to the caravans and watched "The Three Stooges" and then had a light dinner before watching some t.v. and then bed about 10 p.m.
Next morning it was 100 lms to Charleville and we found a nice caravan park just out of town - The Cobb and Co, caravan park, so we set up there and went into town for some supplies, posted some mail and then drove out to the Cosmos Centre - where they have star watching at night - and the Information centre where we picked up lots of pamphlets about the areas we are going to travel to, then had coffee in the coffee shop before returning to the caravan to set up a camp fire for tonight and to have a bbq with some of the other guests.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day in Bourke

After leaving Burren Junction where we enjoyed the Bolar Beef Roast in the new invention, we arrived in Walgett.  We bought petrol there and enjoyed a morning tea spot, we continued onto Four Mile Creek just  out of Brewarrina where we had lunch by the creek and then drove back into town to the Muddy Waters coffee shop wherewe had coffee and milkshakes and rhen arrived in Bourke and booked in to the Kidman Camp caravan park - a very nice park with all facilities.
That night we joined some of the other campers and had a lovely bbq and were entertained with some bush poetry and heaps of lovely fresh pikelets with jam and cream.
Next day we went into "town" - most of the shops were baracaded and the only shop open was the IGA, we bought a couple of groceries and then found Tito's coffee shop open in another street and enjoyed some freshly made sandwiches and drinks.  We couldn't find any LPG stations open, but the depot will be open on Monday as we are leaving.  We drove out to the Darling River Weir to see where the paddle boats used to ply their trade many years ago, and we could see where the recent floods had been. There were small fish scattered around the rocks, they must have been left there by the flooding river. The goods wharf had been replaced with a replica to show how high the river would come up for the trading boats.
Sunday,Mothers Day, started off a bit cloudy, but the sun soon came through - I had a phone call from Jenny and she had given Rick a card to give me ( with some money to buy myself a gift on the trip).  I cooked a roast bolar of beef and some vegetables in the frypan and we enjoyed a lovely roast lunch for Mothers Day. I rang my Mum at Greg's place where she was having lunch with his family and Keith - Greg was then taking her to Barry's and he was going to drive her home again.  Rick rang his Mum, she was going to Emily's with Tina and the family.
We are leaving in the morning for Cunnumulla Qld., and staying overnight in a "free camp".

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Burren Junction

Yesterday after leaving Keepit, we travelled to Gunnedah where we had planned to meet Deb and Mike for morning tea, we then travelled on to Narrabri where we all had lunch sitting by the river.  After getting some supplies from Coles, we then made our way to Burren Junction.
The campsite there was very sparse - just a parking area, no power - water only available at the edge of the park, flushing toilets and a swimming pool.  We parked our vans along side each other in the middle of the car park and set ourselves up. We enjoyed the sunshine for a while then after dinner were invited to join a group under another awning to enjoy a sing a long with a guitarist, Bob, who also told some funny jokes.
Next morning, several of the vans on the outer edge of the park moved on, so we drove the vans into their spots to continue the day.
Tonight we plan on christening Rick's new invention of his camp oven, we bought a piece of beef and some potatoes and pumpkin to try it out, so we'll see how it goes.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Darwin ..and Beyond

Leaving Sydney on Friday 29thApril and heading towards Muswellbrook for an overnight stay, we stopped at the Hawkesbury River Bridge rest area for morning tea and arrived in Greta in time for lunch.  Upon arrival in Muswellbrook, found that the 2 caravan parks were both full, so continued on to Scone where we were lucky enough to get the last spot in the caravan park on the southern end of the town.
Next morning we headed for Keepit Lake caravan park where Dick and Gloria were awaiting our arrival.  Stopping in Tamworth for some fresh bread rolls for lunch, and filling up with petrol and  LPG we stopped just out of town for lunch, then continued on to Keepit.
We had a delightful spot, not far from the lake front, and there were quite a few caravans and tents around us - most of them left on Sunday -. On Sunday afternoon we drove over to the airport and they guys had planned on having a glider ride - behind an aircraft and then free gliding back to earth - unfortunately one of the gliders missed the airport and landed in Breeza, meaning that Charlie had to go there to retrieve him.  Then we heard over the control tower that Charlie's fuel tank cap had come off and there was petrol spilling out from the tank.  It all seemed too hard, so we left without having a ride - maybe it was an omen !
Dick's caravan door lock was playing up and before "happy hour" on Sunday afternoon, he dismantled the lock to find out why he couldn't lock his door - the lock fell apart, and they found that they could close the door, but not lock it, so next morning therewere several phone calls to caravan people to try to get another door fitted.
There was another door which could be fitted in Tamworth, so it was organised for Dick to take the caravan there on Tuesday ( Monday was a public holiday in Queensland where the head office of the caravan company is located).
We had a lovely drive to Gunnedah, met up with and had morning tea with Evelyn and Ken - a couple who D & G had met at Blacksmiths beach a few weeks before.  They suggested we take a look at the Rural Museum in town, which we did, and then we had lunch in a nice cafe in town, then to Woolies for a few groceries and then back to the caravans at Keepit, where the sun was still shining, after a cloudy morning.