Tuesday, December 4, 2012


It was sunny, but cold winds were blowing when we arrived in Echuca around 11 is, so rang Summer and they invited us to have lunch with them - we met at the Cock'n"Bull where they lived, Summer's Mum was just leaving for a trip to Mlebourne, so we didn't have time for a chat, andwalked down to the Black Pudding and enjoyed lunch and chatting with them.  Later on, after school, Summer walked down to the van park and brough Marli, Anais and Oran to see us and the caravan.  They were wearing the beanies I had knitted for them and thanked me for the 3 quilts we had given them - Bugs in Bottle, 2 Kaliedescope and a cot one.  I took some photos of the children, when they sat still,, and sent one by phone to Angel and Ellen.  The kids were fascinated with the caravan and intrigued with all the cupboards etc - they looked in every one and jumped on the bed.  I don't think I have ever seen such active kids, they didn't have a shy bone in their body!  Caravaners near us wondered why the caravan was shaking !!
 Summer and Dave and Angel all met in an Hostel in Dublin nearly 10 years ago and have been friends ever since - we met Dave when we visited Dublin in 2004 and he was then working as a chef in a restuarant there.  Summer, we first met at Angel and Ellen's wedding in Scotland in 2008, and have kept in touch.

We also met some ACC members, Lilian and Alan from Toowoomba parked beside us and chatted with them.

Next day we drove to the Port, saw Paddlesteamers on the Murray River, watched the blacksmith beating the metal over a hot fire, looked at all the old buildings an then had some coffee at the Moama Bakery.  Walked some more and visited 3 camping shops in a row, bought some clips for an indoor clothes line and a part for the outlet hose.  Went back to the bakery and bought some fresh bread for lunch.

Next door to the Cock'n'Bull, there was a Holden Motor Museum where there was an intetesting display from the first to almost the last Holden Car and well worth the visit.. Back to the van for lunch, then we called in to see Summer and Dave and had afternoon tea with them  The girls were asleep, but Oran managed to keep our attention - he headed straight for Rick and was very attentive

After the visit, we crossed over the Board into NSW to Moama, then drove along the river and around the streets of Echuca admiring all the gardens - the Roses are gorgeous !!

Ballarat and Bendigo

We left Port Campbell and drove through lots of farms in the area of Cobden etc to Ballarat where we stayed at the Big 4 Caravan Park near Sovereign Hill.  We drove around Ballarat, we decided not to go to Sovereign Hill as we had been there before, so just enjoyed the scenery in the drive, then it started to rain, so we just sat in the van and relaxed..

We stayed in Ballarat 2 nights, after doing some washing, we drove into town and walked around looking at the old buildings and admiring the beautiful roses.

Next morning we headed to Bendigo and booked into the Big 4 there, then after setting up, drove into town and walked around looking at their lovely old buildings, gardens and roses galore, lovely big city, nice homes and gardens.  Went to Tram Museum, but it was closed.

Great Ocean Road

We had travelled the Great Ocean Road twice before, one in 1984 with our Jayco Swan van, with Angel and Jenny, then again a few years later on our return from South Australia with Dick and Gloria, since then a few of the 12 Apostles had fallen into the sea, so it did look a little different.

We had rung Torquay to see if there was a vacancy, but were told that it was $72 per night for a van site, so we then rang Angelesea down the road a bit, and they were charging $71, and we could get a 10% discount as  Big 4club Members, so we booked in there..  As it was a long weekend - Melbourne Cup - which is on the Tuesday, so people take Monday off and have a long weekend, but we didn't know about that.  There were lots of young children, mostly on scooters or small bikes rushing around everywhere having fun.

We were a bit disappointed with the drive from Steve's place to Anglesea, as we were told that there was a new freeway, but it finished just before the city, so we stopped at every corner ( traffic lights) in the city before getting back onto the freeway ( which we could have missed through bad signage).

From Anglesea we drove through Lorne to Apollo Bay, winding through Cape Otway to Port Campbell which was a must larger park than it was on our last visit ( when we were the only caravan in the park).  There were lots of vans there, the first site they gave us was too small, so we had to move to another site and set up.  We drove out to see the 12 Apostles and other stones and cliffs etc.  It was very misty, and lots of tourist buses pouring out lots of tourists of all nationalities.

Next morning was fine and sunny, did some washing and in the afternoon we walked up to the shops and enjoyed some coffee and freshly made muffins.

Melbourne VIC

Nice sunny morning, packed up and headed towards Melbourne.  Stopped at Sale at the Information Centre for maps etc and then on to Rosedale for an early lunch.

We arrived at Montrose not long before Steve arrived home, he had invited us to stay in his yard - he has at least an acre in the area at the bottom of the Dandenong Mountains - and we parked in his circular drivewa- out of their way - and he connected up some power for us, so we were set. Rick and Steve went along to the local Club for a drink and when they returned we enjoyed a BBQ with Marie, Jake and Daniel.

Next morning it was quite wet, but we drove to the "Sky High" area at the top of the Dandenongs, the weather was foul - cold windy and raining, so we couldn't really see the city of Melbourne in front of us - it was hard to see through the mist,  We then drove into Olinda and had some morning tea, then looked through an Antique shop.  On the way back we could see the Sylvan Lake through the mist, then went to Kilsyth to the Canterbury Gardens shopping centre.  That night we all went to the Kilsyth Club for dinner

On the Way to Melbourne Vic

After saying our goodbyes to all of friends at Mallacootsa, we set off towards Melbourne.

Ted and Chris joined us, we stopped near Orbost for morning teaand watched all the hundreds of motor bikes heading away from the Philip Island bike race.  A few sneaky police radar were hiding in the bushes, hoping to catch the speeding bikes.

We arrived at Lakes Entrance Big 4 Caravan park and set up our vans, then walked along the street, looking at the shops.  I purchaed some Bottle Green and Gold wool to make some beanies for next year's Muster ( our ACC Club colours) as quite a few people had them and were glad of them as it was quite cold and windy.  We found a Caravan parts shop, so had to have a look  in there, Rick found a car charger for his phone there.  Afterwards we enjoyed a BBQ outside the vans.

Chris and Ted left us for Mt Martha, and we stayed another night.  Its was very warm there.  News came that Ruth's baby boy, Henry had arrived safely in London, so we posted off a card to them.  After lunch we drove to a park along side the water where there were lots of ducks and Black swans.  We enjoyed some fish and chips for dinner.

Mallacoota Muster

We all arrived at Mallacoota and registered for the National Muster.  After setting up we drove into the small town, all the shops were closed ( Saturday afternoon) except for the Supermarket where we stocked up on our supplies, and the coffee shop.
The afternoon was spent chatting with other ACC members and our Slickers and all decided to have dinner at the local Pub.  We booked for 25, not knowing how many would actually be there, and all enjoyed some lovely meals.
Next day was the Opening Ceremony which was held in the big hall at 10 am, then a lovely morning tea was served - all freshly baked goodies from the local Lions Club, but as usual there was a bun rush and everyone hovered aroiund the tables, making it hard for others to make a selection, as there was not much room to move around.
During the afternoon we drove around Mallacoota - out ot the airport and along the coast admiring the lovely beaches, also saw the WW2 Bunker.
Late afternoon we played Boules in teams of two, but we were eliminated in the first round, unlike Maryborough ( our first attempt at the game) where we were Runners up to Mike and Debbie who won the game.
Next morning there was a Welcome breakfast, where we all lined up for an Egg and Bacon Roll, again the queue was long and service not very fast.
Afterwards Di Archer from the Hunter Ramblers gave us a very informative talk about "Family History" and how to get started etc., then Mike gave another talk on cameras which was very interesting as well.  We had a game of Klop on the oval and all had fun knocking them down..
Next morning, another Family History talk, this time a bit more information with Di Archer.

Later the ACC Board gave a talk on Policy and Issues for a couple of hours with talks and question time.   I walked to the shops where I met Mike, Debbie and George having some lunch and they asked me to join them for coffee, then Rick joined us and we did a bit more grocery shopping.
Ar Happy Hour that afternoon there were about 50 members chatting in a huge circle.  After dinner we joined Mike and Deb, Val and Dave, Sonja and George, Chris and Ted and Tom for a drink and chat until about 11pm.

Most of the "Happy Hour" groups sate around a fire, as it was quite cool in the evenings.

Next day a huge storm was predicited, but just a few lightning flashes, thunder roars and a light shower was all that eventuated, so it wasn't so bad after all, but better to be prepared - most people took down their awnings, so that they wouldn't get damaged.  I managed to get the laundry donr before heading over to the Craft events to see what was happening there in the hall.  About 60 women were alternately making 3 types of Christmas tree decorations, earrings, coat hangers, scarves and spinning - all very industrious.  I was checking what interest there was in the upcoming Nowra Muster for the Patchwork class we wuuld be organising.

Some of the caravanners and locals had a Market selling their wares, lots of variety - even Monty Dwyer (the weatherman on morning t.v. some years back) was there selling his DVDs and books.
On the last morning of the Muster, the drawing of the Raffle was done - around 150 prizes, we won 2 x $50 vouchers for Cellar Masters wines,  That night we all had dinner at the local Golf Club.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tag a long to Mallacoota Vic.

Our first destination was planned to be Flat Rock - out of Bathurst, but as there had been a sudden cold snap with snow falling and this would have meant that the roads would have been icy and dangerous the decision was made to go to Wingello Forest Park just out of Moss Vale.
There was a dirt road leading through thousands of huge, tall pine trees and when we came across a clearing we found 3 caravans from our Club already set up there.
We didn't uncouple the vehicle and quickly set up camp and got into some warm jackets and hats as it had turned very cold. For Happy hour weall sat under our awning ,as it was within a designated forest, there were no fires allowed past 1st October, so we were unable to have a campfire and as there was no power, we also had no heating, so when it got dark, we all went inside our caravans to keep warm.
We met our new Sydney City Slickers members, Tom and Dian Barnes, who were newly weds ( for the 3rd time) and on their Honeymoon !
Next morning Denise surprised us with a batch of Pumpkin scones baked on their Webber BBQ, so they were enjoyed for morning tea.
We spent the day chatting, knitting, crotchering, reading etc and enjoyed the company in the sunshine.
Monday morning we set off around 10am headed to Boorowa - stopping at Yass for a picnic lunch and fuel on the way. It was warm and sunny at Boorowa and after setting up, enjoyed yet another happy hour with the group plus 3 other ACC Members from Queensland on their way to the Muster.
Tuesday morning was overcast, but we took the opportunity to get some washing done in the laundry. The we drove into town and enjoyed lunch at the Bakery, then visited some of the shops along the main road, a lot were closed, then we drove around the town admiring some of the lovely gardens there.  We all enjoyed a Chinese meal at the local restaurant.
We left Boorowa and arrived at Warri Rest stop where we planned to spend the next two nights.  We were joined by Maria and Brian Minchin from Perth, whom we had met several times over the past year in several different places. We played the game of Klops on the almost flat ground in the area.
On Friday we woke to a very heavy mist before driving through Braidwood and onto Bodalla National Park where we spent the next night - we were joined by Chris and Ted Fielder and Mark and Nick from the "Caravan and Motorhome" Magazine who interviewed us all and took dozens of photos, and joined us beside the campfire for dinner.
Next morning I made pancakes for breakfast and we headed towards Mallacoota - stopping at  Merimbula for petrol and arrived at Mallacoota and set up our vans before joining the group at the Wenham's annex for Happy Hour.